Sunday, 1 February 2009

How to tell a story and other topics

One of the purposes of this blog is to build interest in Steiner education. We all hope that soon, some individuals will rise this challenge and appreciate that education is full of wonderful choices.

Encouraging a healthy imagination, understanding the role of television and computers, learning to tell a story are just some of the topics for conversation that will lead to an interest, hopefully, in Steiner education.

I am happy to sharing my understanding and the experience one these topics and how we, as parents may better appreciate the choices we may actually take to improve the educational experience of our children. We can agree on a common time and place, perhaps once a month, where we can sit and share our views on these and many other wonderful topics that parents, all to often, have no time to explore.

If your are interested in this option, please email me directly at or I am happy to hold the conversation. There is no minimum number.

Other ideas on how to go forward with this sharing are welcome.

Warmest wishes to all of you.


bestpmchennai said...

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Unknown said...

Hi there I like your site you have very interesting articles.
My children all went to a Steiner School here in Australia which I think is just fantastic.
I am so happy that they have been taught as a whole person, head heart and hands and I believe as life goes on for them and gets hard, as it does,they will have alot of strength to draw on.